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82 Results Found

AHA Disparities Toolkit - Informing and Engaging the Community

Collaboration can help you better align resources with needs, reduce competition, increase effectiveness, and make your results more sustainable.

Standing for 10,000


Who Should Use the AHA Disparities Toolkit

This page provides targeted information on the toolkit for a specific audience or stakeholder.

Health Equity and Value

Ensuring that essential, high-quality health care services are available in all communities should not be impacted by socioeconomic conditions, background or merely by your ZIP code. We believe hospitals and health systems have a great opportunity to improve the health of individuals and partner with the communities they serve.

AHA Disparities Toolkit - Frequently Asked Questions

Read the HRET Disparities Toolkit FAQ.

Meet the Grantees

A list of organizations receiving grants and resources on REaL data, SOGI data, Social Determinants of Health, cultural competency, and partnerships.