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79 Results Found


Understanding the Health Care Integration Trend

In this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Tom Priselac, president and CEO of Cedars-Sinai Health System in California, discusses how efforts to expand patient access to high-quality, affordable care are driving new hospital and health system relationships.

Prescribe Safe Podcast Series

The AHA Physician Alliance explores some of the key elements driving the success of the Prescribe Safe Initiative, an extremely successful community-based project bringing together law enforcement, hospitals and physicians to reduce prescription medication misuse.

Healthcare Without an Address

This AHA podcast, “Healthcare Without an Address,” takes a look at how the new emphasis on mobility and convenience is advancing health in America.

Reducing Burnout in Behavioral Health Providers

Jordan Steiger, from the AHA Center for Health Innovation, and Suzette Urbaschich, director of Rogers InHealth in Wisconsin, discuss the stress of working in emotionally draining and intellectually

How rural communities can address behavioral health care challenges

(Podcast) Shelly Rivello, director of integrated care at J.C. Blair Health System in Huntington, Pa., and Carrie Henning-Smith, assistant professor and deputy director of the University of Minnesota’s Rural Health Research Center in Minneapolis, discuss innovative models and evidence-based practices to increase access to behavioral health care and integrate mental health services into primary care. 

Breaking Down Mental Health: Disparities in Access to Mental Health

In this Advancing Health podcast, Saint Anthony Hospital’s Dr. Arturo Carrillo, manager of the community wellness program and Patrick Brosnan, executive director of Brighton Park Neighborhood Council discuss the work of the Collaborative for Community Wellness and how this work is advancing the health of communities.

Disrupting the High Price of Generic Drugs

Civica Rx is the brainchild of hospitals and health systems that formed a collaborative to hold down the spiraling costs of essential generic drugs. How is the plan working out? Civica Rx President and CEO Martin VanTrieste shares an update on the organization’s efforts on a new AHA Advancing Health podcast.

Peer Support Makes the Difference in Treating Opioid Use Disorder

In this podcast, AHA’s Dr. Jay Bhatt speaks with Parkview Health president Ben Miles about his organization’s approach to treating opioid use disorders - and why peer support and encouragement can be such an effective tool in the battle against addiction.