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62 Results Found

Leadership Dialogue Series: Behavioral Health Solutions With Jeremy Musher, M.D., of Lifepoint Health

In this conversation, Joanne M. Conroy, M.D., CEO and president of Dartmouth Health and 2024 AHA board chair, talks with Jeremy Musher, M.D., chief behavioral medical officer at Lifepoint Health, about common obstacles in the behavioral health field, including access and reimbursement, as well as ways to approach mental health stigmas.

Providing Behavioral Health Support for Older Adults

In this conversation, Broaddus Hospital's Dana Gould, CEO, and Donetta McVicker, program director of Senior Life Solutions, share how they are working to identify and fill the unique mental health needs of their older community members.

Five Questions With Clinical Leaders Podcast Series

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Beyond Birth: Understanding Perinatal Depression With UMass Memorial Health

In this episode, Tiffany Moore Simas, M.D., chair of obstetrics and gynecology at UMass Memorial Health, discusses the concerning prevalence of perinatal depression, and the options available to provide a lifeline for mothers.

Sparking Social Connection and Community With Indiana University Health

In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a shocking 80-plus page advisory declaring loneliness and social isolation as reaching epidemic levels in American society.

The Well-being Impact of Northwestern Medicine's Scholars of Wellness Program

In this discussion, Gaurava Agarwal, M.D., vice president and chief wellness executive at Northwestern Medicine and director of faculty wellness at Northwestern University, and Samantha Saggese, physician assistant of nephrology and hypertension at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, explain the difference the Scholars of Wellness program is making, and how it could be adopted for the benefit of hospitals and health systems across the nation.

Peer Support and Building an Infrastructure of Employee Mental Wellness

The COVID pandemic has been a health care game changer, and its lasting effect on care teams accelerated issues like burnout and the need to address well-being.

For Our Kids: Pediatric Behavioral Health Needs With UMass Memorial

When kids experience acute behavioral health needs, they need to be cared for at the right time and the right place.

Be Well: Preventing Physician Suicide

Health care providers across our diverse workforce are faced with an ever increasing complexity in the systems and approaches we use.

Lean-ing Toward Greater Efficiency in Daily Practice

Clare Fox, physical therapist with North Country HealthCare in New Hampshire, shares why she left her native England to pursue her health career dreams in the United States.