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Home Health Prospective Payment System Final Rule for CY 2023

On Oct. 31, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its calendar year (CY) 2023 final rule for the home health (HH) prospective payment system (PPS).
Member Non-Fed

Join Your Colleagues Dec. 6 in Washington or Participate Virtually in an AHA Advocacy Day

Hospital and health system leaders can register for a Dec. 6 AHA Advocacy Day event in Washington, D.C. The in-person event will take place from 10 a.m. to noon ET. Attendees also can participate in a networking event on Monday evening, Dec. 5.

AHA Advocacy Day - Your Voice is Needed in Washington

Please join us Dec. 6 in Washington, D.C., for an AHA Advocacy Day to talk with your legislators directly about the challenges facing your patients and community.
Member Non-Fed

Urge Congress to Support Hospitals by Enacting Key Priorities in Lame-Duck Session

The AHA has urged congressional leaders to include a number of important provisions in a year-end legislative package to ensure that hospitals and health systems are able to continue their mission of caring for the communities they serve.

Capacities: Workforce Supply, Planning and Advocacy

The U.S. will need to hire 2.3 million new health care workers by 2025. An aging population, a rise in chronic diseases and increased behavioral health conditions contribute to the need to strategically plan for a workforce that can meet the demands of today and tomorrow. As hospitals and health systems re-deploy providers in response to new care models, the AHA helps hospitals implement strategies for workforce planning, recruitment, retention and development that best serve the needs of the community.

Urge Congress to Support Hospitals by Enacting Key Priorities in Lame-duck Session

Congress will tackle a full slate of business following the November midterm elections, providing an opportunity to advance key priorities that support hospitals and health systems. 

AHA Comments on the CMS’ Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule for Calendar Year 2023

AHA comments on the CMS’ Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule for calendar year 2023.

AHA Comments on the CMS’ Request for Information Regarding the Medicare Advantage Program

AHA comments in response to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Request for Information regarding the Medicare Advantage program.

Real Affordability Solutions from the Front Lines of Caring

Hospitals and health systems are where the most complex care is provided for ill and injured patients. Yet spending on inpatient and outpatient care has grown more slowly than spending on other health services. Hospitals and health systems have worked hard to provide the best value to patients and their families. Read more below.

Resources to Encourage Voter Registration, Engagement with Candidates

To aid hospitals’ and health systems’ participation in this important election, the AHA is encouraging members to view and utilize resources featured on its “We Care, We Vote” webpage.