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Applying an Equity Lens to Digital Health

Reliance on digital tools can exacerbate barriers to care among certain populations and may be less accessible to people with limited English proficiency. As these technologies become ubiquitous, now is the time to examine digital health from an equity lens to ensure that no community is left behind.

3 Big Ideas to Transform Health Care

This blog by Lindsey Dunn-Burgstahler of the AHA Center for Health Innovation highlights three emerging ideas with the potential for a big impact on health, all shared at the 2022 Aspen Institute’s Aspen Ideas Festival.

Digital Is the Next Frontier of Health Equity

Many of the digital solutions we relied on during the pandemic will remain, making digital health equity, including digital access and literacy, even more important. As hospitals and health systems design and implement digital solutions, it will be imperative to take proactive steps so all individuals have the opportunity to engage with these tools.

4 Big Moves to Drive Digital Transformation at Your Health System

Hospitals and health systems must move from “doing digital” to “being digital” to compete in a rapidly evolving market. AVIA, a leading digital transformation partner for health systems, designed the “4 big moves” to provide a road map for hospitals and health systems looking to embrace digital and emerge as leaders in health care.

Artificial Intelligence and the Path to Health Care Innovation

The American Hospital Association and Microsoft now offer a free, one-hour course, for continuing education credits, to guide health care teams through key considerations and specific actions for AI’s responsible and strategic implementation.

Health Care Disruptors Forge Ahead, Pandemic or Not

Hospitals and health systems should embrace opportunities to work with other stakeholders in the health care ecosystem, such as tech data companies, on new combinations of services. Leaders should see this as an opportunity to work together with health care disruptors, if they are not doing so already, by sharing their tacit knowledge and expertise in health care.

Compassion Tech: Merging Technology, Consumerism and the Human Connection for Health Innovation

Although “compassion tech” does not yet define a particular category of innovations, it follows the natural evolution of health care technology. While e-health was popularized by the digitization of health care through electronic medical records, we now use “digital health” to refer to a wide range of consumer-facing and backend technologies like wearables, analytic platforms and clinical decision support.

Using Lessons from the Pandemic to Reimagine Health Care

Even as we continue to address COVD-19 challenges, let’s consider the experiences of the past year, looking for lessons learned and opportunities for the future. Here are four major areas that changed during the pandemic and are likely to keep transforming health care in the year ahead.

Will AI replace humans in health care? Not likely, but here’s how to talk to your staff about it

Artificial intelligence can empower employees, not take their jobs, writes Lindsey Dunn Burgstahler, vice president of programming and market intelligence at the AHA Center for Health Innovation.