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AHA urges need for flexibility in regulation of AI in health care

AHA May 6 responded to a request for information about the current state of artificial intelligence in health care from Rep. Ami Bera, M.D., D-Calif., urging that any regulation of the technology needs to be flexible to keep pace with innovation and allow caregivers to apply it for patient benefit.

Team Training | Center

AHA Team Training strives to transform teams of experts into expert teams using TeamSTEPPS, a proven, evidence-based approach. We offer education and resources to improve process and outcomes as well as patient and staff satisfaction.

TeamSTEPPS Master Training (Northwell) | Team Training | Center

AHA Team Training's in-person TeamSTEPPS Master Training course will teach participants all the TeamSTEPPS tools and principles - what they are, how to use them, and how to take them back to your organization.

Costs of Caring

While recent data suggest that some hospital and health system finances have experienced modest stabilization from historic lows in 2022, the hospital field is still far from where it needs to be to meet the demand for care, invest in new and promising technologies and interventions, and stand ready for the next health care crisis.

Case Studies

Trustee case studies.

Preparing to Celebrate National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week: A Thank You to the Caregivers Who Make Our Lives Better

In just a few days, we’ll kick off important recognitions for National Hospital Week, May 12-18, and National Nurses Week, May 6-12.

AHA urges Senate committee to support federal programs promoting workforce diversity, maternal health 

Mounting pressures on the health care workforce have created a crisis with short-term staffing shortages and a long-range picture of an unfulfilled talent pipeline, and significant projected shortages of physicians and allied health and behavioral health care providers will likely be felt even more strongly in underserved communities, AHA told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in a statement submitted for a hearing May 2.

Interoperability – Next Generation Warehouses

This session delves into the realm of calibrating material handling automation to futureproof healthcare warehouse operations.

Supplementing your EVS Training with Simulation Labs

MedStar Health, has developed a training program based on standardization, experiential learning and elevating the purpose of the Environmental Services team. Attendees will have the opportunity to see the program that MedStar Health has developed, their simulation center and the tools utilized for documentation.

2023 Costs of Caring

Hospitals appreciate the support and resources that Congress have provided throughout the COVID-19 pandemic; however, additional support is needed to keep hospitals strong so they can continue to provide care to patients and communities.