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39 Results Found


CMS Eliminates COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Health Care Workers

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) May 31 released a final rule to better align certain regulatory requirements with the end of the public health emergency (PHE), including rescission of the health care worker vaccine mandate.

CMS Updates COVID-19 Vaccination Guidance for Health Care Providers

This document outlines changes to CMS’ guidance on the vaccination of health care providers against COVID-19.

CMS Updates Guidance on Compliance with COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today released updated guidance for compliance with the agency’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement for health care staff.

Supreme Court Allows CMS Vaccine Mandate to Go into Effect, Blocks OSHA Vaccine Requirements

The U.S. Supreme Court today allowed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) vaccine mandate to go into effect nationwide, while blocking the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) vaccine requirements from taking effect.

Updated COVID-19 Prevention, Treatment Information for Clinicians

Details on recent information on treating and preventing COVID-19.

CMS Issues Interpretive Guidance for Vaccine Mandate Rule

Document outlines CMS’ interpretative guidance for vaccine mandate rule.

CDC Issues Updated COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Guidance for Health Care Workers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is releasing updated guidance for isolation and quarantine for health care workers, decreasing their isolation time after infection with COVID-19.

AHA Ad Urges Americans to Get Vaccinated and Boosted as Omicron Cases Rise Significantly

The American Hospital Association will run a new pr

President Biden Announces Strategies to Help Hospitals and Communities Battle Omicron Variant

President Biden today announced new actions designed to support hospitals and communities as they battle COVID-19 and the omicron variant. Among other efforts, the Administration will send 1,000 military doctors, nurses and medics to staff local hospitals; deploy teams to build more hospital beds; make available more COVID-19 tests and testing sites; and expand access to vaccinations.

CMS Memo Confirms it will not Enforce Vaccine Mandate while it Remains Enjoined in Courts

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today issued a memorandum confirming that it will not enforce its vaccine mandate while it remains enjoined by the Missouri and Louisiana district courts.