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19 Results Found

AONL Board Election & Nominations

Help shape AONL's future by serving on the AONL Board of Directors. Questions? Contact

Coaching: A Critical Tool for Board Chair Development

Trustee Articles
Making coaching available to an incoming board chair can build the chair's capacity to lead the board effectively.

How to Be a Better Trustee

Trustee Articles
Much has been written about the resources that hospitals should provide their board members to develop their governance expertise. Generally, a good orientation to the board’s work, educational sessions at board meetings, an annual retreat, periodic attendance at outside educational programs and frequent performance evaluation are some of the basics for any board.

Power of Education

Trustee Articles
The rules of engagement for board members have changed dramatically. Historically, the trustee position was honorary; today, trustees are expected to interact more with management and the community and know more about operations.They also have added accountability for legal and regulatory matters. As this role grows in complexity, hospitals are challenged to prepare and educate board members efficiently to be effective fiduciaries without overwhelming them.

New Board Chair

Trustee Articles
Effective board leadership transitions can be facilitated by institutionalizing basic tools and processes. These include setting term limits for those in board leadership positions, periodic evaluations based on clear job descriptions and assessment of potential barriers to successful CEO relationships.

Selecting & Preparing a Chair Elect

Trustee Articles
Despite the importance of the role, many boards do not give selection and preparation of the board chair the attention they should. In a recent survey by The Governance Institute, 64% of boards said they had established an explicit process for selection of the board chair but these processes often are little more than a thoughtful conversation among the executive or governance committee about the next chair.