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AHA seeks feedback from health care workers for National Hospital Week song, video

As National Hospital Week (May 9-15) approaches with the theme Inspiring Hope through Healing, the AHA would like to honor the entire community of hospital and health system team members for all of their work.

American Hospital Association Social Media Policy

POLICY PURPOSE This policy describes how the American Hospital Association (AHA or Association) makes use of Social Media and how AHA employees manage AHA-branded Social Media accounts.

Community Health Improvement Week

During Community Health Improvement Week, AHA encourages everyone to join us in honoring the dedication, courage and kindne

2020 National Hospital Week

National Hospital Week 2020 highlights the adage of every hospital, health system and person involved in keeping our communities healthy – that health comes first.

Chair File: Continuing to Care for Those Saving Lives

Our just-concluded National Hospital Week provided many great opportunities to express our heartfelt thanks to the remarkable caregivers who continue to minister to COVID-19 patients—and all patients who come through our hospital and health system doors—every day in every community across America.

Perspective: Showing America We’re Here to Care in Every Way, Every Day

National Hospital Week 2020 may be coming to a close tomorrow, but our efforts to support America’s health care heroes and their hospitals and health systems are still going strong.

Blog: Protecting our health care heroes during National Hospital Week

This week of thanks acknowledges the tremendous effort front-line caregivers are putting forth each day to treat and protect Americans during COVID-19.

Blog: Protecting Our Health Care Heroes during National Hospital Week

This year, National Hospital Week (May 10-16) takes on a special significance. For months, we have watched with awe and gratitude as the 6 million women and men of America’s hospitals and health systems have fought courageously each and every day to protect the health of an entire nation.

A Week of Thanks

National Hospital Week 2020 highlights the adage of every hospital, health system and person involved in keeping our communities healthy – that health comes first. This year’s celebration of hospitals, health systems and health care workers is taking the form of “A Week of Thanks”, where people can participate from the safety and comfort of their homes while health care heroes go to work fighting against COVID-19. Join us and help say thanks.

Chair File: Recognizing our Health Care Heroes during National Hospital Week

Yesterday kicked off National Hospital Week, 2020. Has there ever been a more important and opportune time to observe it?