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AHE CMIP Workshops

Education & Events
CMIP Workshops Location Date

AHE CHESP Policies

CHESP Policies More than 10 business days prior to the start of the Program

Getting the Most from HCAHPS Surveys

On this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Nancy Foster, AHA vice president of quality and safety policy, moderates a discussion on the need for an update to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey.

CDC provides update on e-cigarette illnesses

Thirty-three states and the U.S. Virgin Islands have reported more than 450 possible cases of lung illness associated with using e-cigarette products, including five deaths, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Friday.

AHE 2019 Webinar: Improving Value Through Evidence-Based Training

Collaborating with health care systems across the country who have CHEST trained and certified front line teams, AHE is collecting and analyzing data around key measures such as infection rates, HCAHPs scores, turnover, and employee engagement. In this program we will share data findings associated with these measures.

Hospital associations: HCAHPS survey needs updates

The patient experience survey required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for all U.S. hospitals needs modernizing, according to a paper released today by the AHA and other national hospital associations, citing falling response rates after 10 years in the field and incomplete topic coverage.

Modernizing the HCAHPS Survey

We found that PELs strongly support patient experience measurement and its use as an indicator of quality. However, there is wide consensus among PELs on the need to modernize the HCAHPS survey to reflect the changes in health care delivery and information technology and the shift in patient expectations. This paper delves into a variety of recommendations derived by PELs across different types of hospitals and health systems for modernizing the HCAHPS survey.

AHE 2019 Webinar: How Bacteria Develop Antibiotic Resistance

This webinar will provide an in-depth explanation of how organisms develop drug resistance, and what we can do to reduce this growth.