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44234 Results Found

Task force recommends screening children 8 and older for anxiety

The panel also recommended screening children aged 12-18 for major depressive disorder, as it did in 2016.

IFDHE blog: Using innovation to advance health equity

AHA's Institute for Diversity and Health Equity held its latest Health Equity Innovation Summit, which explored regional challenges and solutions to accelerate health equity.

AHA releases guide to building a community health worker program

The guide offers resources to help organizations build a community health worker program to strengthen their health care workforce.

HHS renews COVID-19 public health emergency for 90 days

AHA had urged the agency to renew the emergency to continue critical flexibilities.

Amicus Brief: AHA, Hospital Groups Urge Appeals Courts to Uphold 340B Requirements Re: Novartis-United Therapeutics Corp. v. Johnson

The AHA, 340B Health, America’s Essential Hospitals, Association of American Medical Colleges, and Children’s Hospital Association yesterday urged the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the 3rd and District of Columbia Circuits to require drug companies to fulfill their legal obligations to provide 340B discounted drugs to eligible hospitals and health systems, regardless of whether the drugs are dispensed on site or through contract pharmacies.

HHS report reaffirms COVID-19 vaccination saves lives

COVID-19 vaccinations are associated with over 650,000 fewer hospitalizations and 300,000 fewer deaths in the Medicare population through December

Magnet hospitals more likely to reduce MRSA infections in diverse patients

A study found Magnet hospitals located in areas with more diversity are more likely to reduce methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Study: Tiered-huddled systems improve adverse event reporting

Implementing tiered huddle systems throughout a health care system can improve the reporting of patient safety events, according to a study

NIH issues funding opportunity for managing pain in rural populations

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) last week released a funding opportunity to accelerate the implementation of effective non-opioid intervention

AONL seeks committee volunteers

AONL invites its members to apply to serve on a 2023 committee or task force to work to meet the ever-changing needs of nursing leadership