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Associate Education Series
For more than 120 years, the AHA has provided education for health care leaders. Now, the AHA is helping educate the business community, as well.
Webcast: Waste Reduction through Engaged and Invested Human Resources
Tariq Kahn, Materials Manager, Peri-operative Services, Montefiore Medical Center, discusses his “ah ha” moment of “I need your help”.
On-Demand Education
Education & Events
ASHHRA On-Demand Education offers online education on variety of topics specific to health care HR. ASHHRA On-Demand Education features webinars, courses and over 100 sessions from ASHHRA annual conferences that you can access at the time that works best for you.
HCHR Week: Initiative of the Day - Thursday
Recognition Day/Week/Month
Health Care HR Week 2020: Thursday Initiative of the Day
HCHR Week: Initiative of the Day - Monday
Recognition Day/Week/Month
Health Care HR Week 2020: Monday Initiative of the Day
Health Care Labor Update for Spring 2021: Labor Policy Changes and the Biden Administration
[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Chris Cimino will provide an update on important new developments regarding union organizing affecting health care employees across the U.S. and review some of the strategies being used by unions during the pandemic. Chris will also provide an overview of significant regulatory and legislative changes anticipated in 2021 and beyond, in addition to highlighting steps health care employers should take now to increase employee engagement.
How to Increase Employee Engagement and Wellbeing by Improving Connection and Recognition
[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Join renowned health care speaker Vicki Hess and culture expert Alex Powell for an insightful discussion on how improving connection and recognition in health care organizations increases employee engagement, wellbeing and, ultimately, patient care. You’ll walk away with practical, tactical ideas for how to positively impact the teams you support.
The New World of Work in Health Care: A Call to Rethink U.S. Workplace Priorities
[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] As we work to return back to our new normal, what are some of the short and long-term considerations that health care organizations need to evaluate in order to ensure success moving forward? Join Prudential Retirement’s Marc Howell and Robert Luciani for an interactive discussion as they debut new research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit. This research, which surveyed both health care executives and workers, serves up some new insights relating to the worker/organization relationship, emerging talent needs, and accelerated digital transformation.
Health Care HR Week Specials
Special activities and offerings exclusively during Health Care HR Week 2021!
Webinar: Religious Exemptions from COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: What Is the Chaplain's Role?
[WEBINAR] ASHHRA, in collaboration with the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab, presents this timely webinar to discuss an important topic.
Chaplains are increasingly being approached to discuss or support applications for exemption from COVID-19 vaccine mandates in healthcare systems and other institutions. This webinar will help chaplains, spiritual care managers, and others to prepare for those conversations. Attendees will hear legal, HR, administrative, and spiritual care perspectives on this critical issue. This webinar seeks not to provide a one-size-fits-all solution to these difficult issue, but instead to help chaplains and others prepare their own responses as appropriate in their own settings.