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Associate Education Series
For more than 120 years, the AHA has provided education for health care leaders. Now, the AHA is helping educate the business community, as well.
CHHR Study Series
[ON-DEMAND BUNDLE] This complete study series reviews the core competencies needed for health care HR leaders. The series discusses the entire HR Leader Model: HR Delivery, Health Care Business Knowledge, People Strategies, Community Citizenship and Personal Leadership.
CHHR Study Course: Community Citizenship and Personal Leadership
[ON-DEMAND COURSE] Learn to connect with employees, customers and the needs of communities through possible outreach programs and initiatives concerning your community. Display passionate dedication to the mission of health care, demonstrating self-awareness and self-motivation. Community Citizenship carries a 10% weight on the CHHR exam, and Personal Leadership carries a 17% weight.
CHHR Study Course: People Strategies
[ON-DEMAND COURSE] HR Leaders focus on people strategies in order to capture the hearts and minds of their people and create the desired culture. Foster meaningful work that supports a high performance environment and effective delivery of care. People strategy skills include developing value-based leaders who have the ability to create a shared vision that delivers results for the organization. This course will prepare you to effectively attract and develop a diverse health care workforce that meets both the needs of patients and the community. People Strategies carries a 24% weight on the CHHR exam.
CHHR Study Course: Health Care Business Knowledge
[ON-DEMAND COURSE] Knowing the “business” side of health care requires that HR Leaders shape strategies through seasoned judgment and visionary insight. As HR transitions to this new role, HR Leaders will be called upon to demonstrate healthcare business knowledge by applying best practices throughout the organization. supporting and exhibiting cross-functional capabilities. Health Care Business Knowledge carries a 20% weight on the CHHR exam.
CHHR Study Course: HR Delivery
[ON-DEMAND COURSE] Expectations for HR delivery demand effective and high-quality programs and services through the utilization of measurement and analysis. This HR delivery course will cover transactional work, technology systems and bench marking and compliance to name a few. HR Delivery carries a 29% weight on the CHHR exam.