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11 Results Found
Workday Planning & Staffing Guide
This comprehensive report provides you with expert insights and strategies to ensure your Workday journey is a success at every stage.
Health Care Supply Chain Strategies
Increased supply chain challenges and mergers and acquisitions require sound strategy to capitalize on opportunities. Here’s how to do it.
Developing a Master of Health Administration with a Concentration in Medical Logistics
A detailed example of a new Master of Health Administration (MHA) program with a medical logistics concentration.
Assuring Patient Safety through Capture and Management of Product Attributes
Supply chain attributes inform critical supply availability and alignment with internal and external needs, integral to meeting pressures to deliver safe care.
IV Strategies for Disruptions - How to Guide
How-to guide to managing IV disruptions.
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Comparison of Ways to Replenish Storage Areas
White Papers
This paper explores nine different methods of replenishing a hospital storage area and compares and contrasts the steps nursing must progress through to retrieve the supplies they need for their
Achieving Excellence in Health Care Supply Chain Logistics
White Papers
This paper will focus on three areas that are thought to be key components for a strong logistics program. Those are improving visibility, enhancing delivery options, and actionable analytics.
KanBan for Inventory Management in the GI Lab
White Papers
A review of inventory distribution methods utilized throughout health care including advantages, disadvantages, and considerations of best practice to assist with the selection of the correct metho