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19 Results Found
Perpetual vs. PAR Inventory - Webcast
Stewart Layhe, supply chain program manager at Denver Health, compares the benefits and downsides of perpetual and periodic automatic replenishment (PAR) system inventory methods.
Interoperability – Next Generation Warehouses
This session delves into the realm of calibrating material handling automation to futureproof healthcare warehouse operations.
Health Care Supply Chain Inventory Management Certification
Become an expert in health care inventory management with AHRMM's certification program. Gain the skills to optimize your supply chain. Enroll now!
Introduction to Health Care Supply Chain: Strategizing and Using Your Resources (Part II)
This advanced course leads learners through 10 areas of infrastructure surrounding the functions of health care supply chain management.
Introduction to Health Care Supply Chain (Part I & Part II Bundle)
The Introduction to Health Care Supply Chain eLearning courses provide grounded education for those new or seeking a refresher.
Beyond the Pandemic: Mitigating Supply Chain Risk and Disruption (AHA Transformation Talks)
COVID-19 has exposed the fragile nature of the health care supply chain, but it’s not the first
public health crisis to do so. Michael Schiller, AHRMM's Senior Director of Supply Chain, and Richard Bagley, Senior Vice President, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Penn State Health, led the discussion on lessons learned and ways we should rethink supply chain strategies for the future.
Ordering, Shipping, and Materials Management: A Process Improvement Partnership Case Study
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Learn about a comprehensive assessment and process improvement exercise on the Total Cost of Ownership model by UPMC and Cook Medical. Specific areas of focus include ordering, shipping, and materials management. In this webinar, we go into each of these areas in depth and demonstrate the impact that this project has had on both organizations.
Lean Six Sigma Process for Inventory Management
On-Demand Educational Webinars
At Hershey Penn State Medical Center, the supply chain and ED nursing team came together in a Kaizen process to reinvent the way supplies were being managed in the ED. As a result of their efforts, a new business process and system was implemented, which increased nursing satisfaction from 10% to 90%, reduced costs and stock-outs, and created a continual improvement process that supports the team’s ongoing needs.
Self Distribution Model in Health Care: A Case Study
On-Demand Educational Webinars
The Intermountain Healthcare Supply Chain Organization has embarked on strategy to drive costs out of the healthcare supply chain. As a part of that strategy, a consolidated distribution center was built for distribution of medical-surgical supplies, pharmacy products, and other ancillary services. The webinar focuses on the key lessons learned on the journey to self-distribution.