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9 Results Found

Specialized Value Analysis Teams for Resource Utilization - Webcast

Donna Gammarato discusses the importance of creating specialized value analysis teams to analyze resource utilization and reduce costs

Evolve Your Supply Chain with Clinical Integration Webcast

Roy Henry, strategic analyst from University of Miami, explores how clinical integration can evolve your supply chain while discussing the value of clinical integration and how it can be measured.<

Partnering with Infection Prevention to Mitigate COVID-19

Listen as Susan Morris, Director, Supply Chain, MedStar Montgomery Medical Center, emphasizes the benefits of a strong relationship between clinical staff and supply chain in a hospital or health s

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis 101 – Part 1

In this three-part webcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to a

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis 101 – Part 2

In this three-part webcast and podcast series, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics of value analysis and value based purchasing to

Who’s Keeping Score: Using CQO Scorecards

This webcast discusses the team work involved in product value analysis and decision making using data-driven scorecards outlining Cost, Quality, and Outcomes.

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis 101 – Part 3

Howard Mann, vice president, supply chain management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics of value analysis and value based purchasing to achieve high Cost, Quality, and Outcomes.

Understanding CQO through Data Visualization

Data visualization can help translate dashboards, benchmarking and metrics lines, and lines of supply chain data into actionable insight.

Evolving Supply Chain to Focus on Patient Outcomes

In today’s value based health care market, reimbursement is tied to patient outcomes. But the duty of improving patient outcomes does not solely reside with the clinical teams.