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14 Results Found

Leadership Dialogue Series: Behavioral Health Solutions With Jeremy Musher, M.D., of Lifepoint Health

In this conversation, Joanne M. Conroy, M.D., CEO and president of Dartmouth Health and 2024 AHA board chair, talks with Jeremy Musher, M.D., chief behavioral medical officer at Lifepoint Health, about common obstacles in the behavioral health field, including access and reimbursement, as well as ways to approach mental health stigmas.

Specialized Value Analysis Teams for Resource Utilization Podcast

Donna Gammarato discusses the importance of creating specialized Value Analysis teams to analyze resource utilization and reduce costs.

Podcast: Aligning Patient Data to Help Decision Makers Improve Care

For decisions related to patient care, administrators and physicians often need data from outside of their department.

Partnering with Infection Prevention to Mitigate COVID-19

Listen as Susan Morris, Director, Supply Chain, MedStar Montgomery Medical Center, emphasizes the benefits of a strong relationship between clinical staff and supply chain in a hospital or health s

Value Analysis 201: The 5 Why's of Value Analysis – An Introduction

Lean thinking continues to emerge and embed its ideas into our traditional ways of thinking about Value Analysis and Healthcare.

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis Series Part 2: What is Value Analysis

In this three-part webcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to a

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis Series Part 3

In this three-part webcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to a

Value Analysis 201: Clinical Criteria of Products and Equipment

For product and equipment selection to meet the need for the best value for our patients, clinical criteria need to be determined during the initial phase of selection.

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis Series Part 1: What is Value Based Purchasing?

In this three-part podcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to a

Value Analysis 201: Organizing Data to Analyze Product and Equipment Clinical Outcomes

A value analysis process to verify the achievement of the outcomes desired will result in making decisions based on the data, celebrating achievement of outcomes, and identify the need for further