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9 Results Found
Assuring Patient Safety through Capture and Management of Product Attributes
Supply chain attributes inform critical supply availability and alignment with internal and external needs, integral to meeting pressures to deliver safe care.
Supply Chain Transformation – Three Key Tactics for Success
In this case study, learn how Kaleida Health drove system-wide clinical-supply integration using three key strategies to build a clinically integrated supply chain.
Painful Product Conversions
White Papers
This paper describes the development of a multidisciplinary and innovative product conversion process at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston, Massachusetts, when the existing process
Grady Health System's Transformation from Traditional Value Analysis to Value Based Product Selection
White Papers
This case study provides a review of Grady Health System’s transformation from traditional Value Analysis Joint Product Review Team structure to Value Based Selection Committees which promote share
Optimizing the Supply Chain through Data Transparency and Integration
White Papers
This paper addresses the importance of the supply chain on overall health care costs and how transparent data can lead to a best practice supply chain.
Improving & Managing the Sterilization Process Through the Use of Surgical Instrument Management Software & Lean
White Papers
The surgical instrument management software (SIM) implementation began in October of 2003 and a Lean initiative to redesign processes began in October 2005.
Contract Management - Going Beyond the Signed Agreement
White Papers
The purpose of this paper is to share lessons learned and successes in contract management.
A Framework for Success: Applying the Baldrige Excellence Framework to the Healthcare Supply Chain
White Papers
This paper explores the application of the Baldrige Excellence Framework to the health care supply chain.
AHRMM18 CQO Summit White Paper
White Papers
2018 AHRMM CQO Summit:
Each year at the annual AHRMM Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Summit, participants throughout the healt