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31 Results Found

Inclusive, Local Hiring: Building the Pipeline to a Healthy Community

Webinar Recordings
ACHI and the AHA Workforce Center hosted a webinar on how health systems can develop an inclusive, local hiring pipeline through creating more external community connections and internal career paths.

Applying a Health Equity Lens to Environmental Issues

Addressing the differential impact of environmental factors – including climate – on some individuals and communities is increasingly being recognized as a health equity issue.

Investing in Community Health: A Discussion for Senior Hospital Leaders

With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Center for Community Investment (CCI) has been working with six leading health care systems to help them identify community priorities and use their assets — land, financial resources, relationships, expertise, etc. — to invest in pipelines of projects that advance those priorities.

Financing Community Health: Unlocking Investments to Address SDOH

Webinar Recordings
In this webinar, the Center for Community Investment will share the basics about capital investment and how hospitals and health systems can leverage their existing resources for greater impact on health in their communities.

How to Address Patients’ Social and Legal Needs During COVID-19 

Hospitals and health systems are forming partnerships to create a network of services that better address the social and legal needs of vulnerable populations.

Hospital-Community Partnerships: Meeting Health and Social Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Engaging in sustainable, effective and equitable partnerships is crucial in meeting community needs related to COVID-19 and its associated economic fallout, as well as for accelerating racial and s

ReThinking Population Health Strategies in Your Organization and in Your Community

Webinar Recordings
Learn how health care leaders are using innovative tools in their organizations and communities to address systemic challenges to population health outcomes.

How a CHNA Influenced a Hospital's Strategic Plan

Webinar Recordings
Massachusetts General Hospital's (MGH) 2012 community health needs assessment, in which communities prioritized substance use, led to the creation of a new hospital initiative to improve clinical care for patients with substance use disorders.

The Importance of Community Development for Health

Webinar Recordings
This webinar highlights the Vita Health and Wellness initiative, Stamford, Conn., a community development effort between community stakeholders and Stamford Health.

Mass Media Messaging to Improve Population Health

Webinar Recordings
Learn how messages in the mass media can improve population health, showing evidence of both effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.