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3 Results Found
Fact Sheet: The 340B Drug Pricing Program
Learn what the HHS 340B Drug Pricing Program is and what 340B hospitals are. The program allows 340B hospitals to stretch limited federal resources to reduce the price of outpatient pharmaceuticals for patients by providing 340B drug pricing discounts and expand health services to the patients and communities they serve.
Fact Sheets and Talking Points on Surprise Billing Legislation
This is a collection of Fact Sheets and Talking Points documents that the AHA has released on Surprise Medical Billing Legislation.
Fact Sheet: Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Rule (MFAR)
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in November 2019 issued the Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation (MFAR) that would significantly change state Medicaid program financing and supplemental payments for providers.