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50 Results Found

Working to protect against cyber threats

Leading expert at the American Hospital Association discusses the current landscape of cybersecurity

FGI gears up for the 2026 Guidelines edition

Heather Livingston considers the state of the organization and offers a preview of updates to the Guidelines

Laying the foundation for safer health facilities

Jeffrey O'Neill draws upon dual experience as a health care facility planner and director of engineering in chairing ICC's Committee on Healthcare

ASHE executive gives advocacy issue update

Chad Beebe, ASHE deputy director of regulatory affairs, surveys ASHE's advocacy priorities for 2024

ASHE President’s Award recipient touts teamwork

ASHE Past President Dean Pufahl reflects on his career and considers the power of collaboration

Crystal Eagle recipient finds passion in advocacy

David Dagenais discusses partnering with ASHE to influence the field

Weaving ESG initiatives into health care facilities

Monica Nakielski reflects on pioneering environmental, social and governance initiatives at health care organizations

ASHRAE standard chair sets sights on the future

Jeremy Fauber discusses the path ahead for ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities

New ACHC official brings facilities perspective to job

Richard Parker discusses his new role, challenges facing health care organizations and updates to ACHC standards

Canadian facilities leader offers unique perspective

President of the Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society discusses its relationship with ASHE and where his country's codes are headed