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4 Results Found


The Effects of Medicare Advantage on Rural Hospitals With St. Bernards Healthcare

Half of all Medicare beneficiaries get their benefits through Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, which are offered by private companies and in theory should provide the same level of coverage of traditional Medicare.

Clinical Validation Audits and the Impact on Hospitals and Health Systems

. In this conversation, Richelle Marting, director of managed care contracting at North Kansas City Hospital, and Chris Thompson, executive director of reimbursement and compliance for managed care at AdventHealth, discuss the rapid growth in these audits, the financial strain they can put on hospitals and health systems, and what can be done to protect providers and ultimately, patients.

[Special Edition] How Prior Authorizations Can Harm Patient Care

In medical care, prior authorization was originally intended to ensure patients received appropriate care that was in line with tested methodologies.

[Special Edition]: Medicare Advantage: New Trends Raise Concerns about Access to Care

Medicare Advantage or MA Plans are another way for beneficiaries to get Medicare Part A and Part B coverage delivered through private insurance companies.