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18 Results Found
ASHE Core Competency Framework™
ASHE’s Health Care Facilities Core Competency Framework charts out key skills of health care facilities management, and offers education, resources and tools to help professionals fill knowledge gaps in each area.
Maintenance & Operations: ASHE Core Competency Framework™
Use ASHE's Core Competency Framework™ to help maintain your critical systems and increase efficiency in your facility operations.
Project Firstline
Project Firstline is CDC's collaborative with AHA and other organizations to provide infection control training and education to health care workers
Health Care Facilities Managers
ASHE has developed and compiled resources specific to ventilation and negative pressure rooms to build on your knowledge base and assist you in educating and training others
Outside Contractors and Technicians
ASHE offers resources specific to ventilation and negative pressure rooms to reinforce and build on your knowledge base in these areas.
ASHE/AAP Podcast
ASHE is pleased to contribute to this critical education and training opportunity and offer resources aimed at optimizing environments of care.
4 Ways Digitization Helps Health care Facilities Become More Efficient
The health care infrastructure is also a key candidate for digital transformation.
How to Overcome Barriers to Transformative Energy Management in Health Care
Energy is a critical, high-use resource that accounts for more than 2% of operating costs.
Energy-As-A-Service Shifts Focus from Operations Back to Patients
Energy-as-a Service (EaaS) is a partnership between energy systems experts and professionals who are saddled with facility operations.