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13 Results Found

Videos on Ventilation

ASHE has developed videos for clinicians working in a health care setting covering topics such as negative pressure rooms, AIIRs, room turnovers and air changes per hour, and many more!

Project Firstline Explainer Video Series

We are proud to introduce a valuable resource that will empower you and your team to reinforce the critical role of ventilation in health care settings.

Methodology for Analyzing Environmental Quality Indicators (EQIs)

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Damon Greeley, Thomas Gormley, Troy Markel, Jennifer Wagner

ASHE Temperature and Relative Humidity

Compliance Tools
This training video provides a brief explanation on how temperature and relative humidity affect one another.

Facility Operations in the Scheme of the Facility: Tools for the In-House Model

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Damian Skelton and Nhut T. Bui 

Execution and Return on Investment of Reliability Centered Maintenance

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Roy Hirchack, David Lockhart, Devin Hugie and Robert Lucas 

Finding Optimal Staffing Levels to Support the Bottom Line

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Gerry Kaiser and Lindsey Brackett 

Super Storm Sandy’s Impact on Essential Electrical Systems: What Went Right?

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speaker: Jonathan Flannery

Reducing Temperature Variation in Patient Rooms

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speaker: Robert Ray

Operating Room HVAC Setback Roundtable: Issues and Solutions

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Christy Love, John Inman, Linda Dickey & Mike Hatton2013 PDC SummitSession track: Fundamentals of PDCSession number: 308613