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23 Results Found

Behavioral Health

This web page is designed to provide easy access to information and tools that will assist hospitals and health systems in navigating the changing behavioral health care system and understanding national, state and local activities affecting behavioral health.


Medicaid is the nation’s largest single source of coverage primarily serving low-income populations – children and their families,

Suicide Prevention Resources

Learn about suicide prevention during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month with resources from the American Hospital Association.

Rural Behavioral Health

According to a 2022 policy brief from the 

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Hospitals and health systems can play an important role in ensuring children and adolescents receive the behavioral health care they need to thrive.

Advocacy Issue: Enhanced Premium Tax Credits

In support of the health of our patients and communities, as well as the stability of the entire health care system, the AHA urges Congress to extend the enhanced premium tax credits.

Advocacy Issue: Medicaid

AHA urges Congress to reject reductions to the Medicaid program that would not only strip access to health care from some of the most vulnerable populations but also destabilize hospitals and health systems, leading to a loss of services that would impact patients and communities nationwide.

Advocacy Issue: Medicaid DSH Payment Cuts

The Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program provides essential financial assistance to hospitals that care for our nation’s most vulnerable populations — children, impoverished, disabled and elderly. The Medicaid DSH payment reductions are scheduled to be implemented on April 1, 2025, when $8 billion in reductions take effect.
Member Non-Fed

Health Plan Accountability

Commercial health plan abuses must be addressed to ensure fair coverage for patients and providers. The AHA has worked to hold health plans accountable through letters, statements, white papers, member updates and earned media.

Access to Care in Vulnerable Communities

For millions of Americans living in vulnerable rural and urban communities, their hospital is often the only source of care.