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15 Results Found
AHA Receives CDC Grants to Strengthen Opioid Use Disorder Care and Expand Infection Prevention Resources
The American Hospital Association (AHA) today announced it has been awarded nearly $1.5 million in funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of its National Partners Cooperative Agreement. This funding will support hospitals and health systems in their efforts to address opioid use disorder (OUD) and stimulant use disorder (StUD) and infection prevention and control.
AHA Statement on Supreme Court Decision in EMTALA Case
While we are pleased that the Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss these cases as improvidently granted will restore the temporary stay on Idaho’s law, we are disappointed that physicians, nurses, and other clinicians across the country still do not have needed clarity. Caregivers must be able to exercise their professional judgment about a patient’s care as federal law requires under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) without the fear of criminal prosecution. We continue to urge courts to protect clinicians as they seek to provide emergency care to their patients.
AHA Advertorial: Is UnitedHealth Group ‘Too Big to Fail’?
UnitedHealth Group’s concentration in the healthcare system is unprecedented. If it were a country, it would rank 42 in the world in Gross Domestic Product.
AHA Statement on Medicaid Managed Care Access, Finance and Quality Rule
The AHA appreciates that CMS acknowledges the critical role hospitals play in state Medicaid financing and the importance of supplemental payments to sustain beneficiary access to care in light of low Medicaid base payment rates, including rates paid through managed care organizations. I
AHA Statement on the CMS Final Rule on Prior Authorization
Rick PollackPresident and CEOAmerican Hospital Association
New Analysis Reaffirms Need to Maintain Current Law Banning Self-Referral to Physician-Owned Hospitals
Data from the health care consulting firm Dobson | Davanzo, released today by the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) and the American Hospital Association (AHA), shows that physician-owned hospitals (POHs), when compared to other hospitals, treat less medically complex and more financially lucrative patients, provide fewer emergency services, and treat fewer COVID-19 cases.
AHA Statement on Report from Elevance Health
A new “report” from Elevance Health — the large, for-profit commercial insurer formerly known as Anthem — draws absurd conclusions about the impact of health care systems on access to care, cost and quality. Of greatest irony is that while the national health plan behemoth, which dominates many insurer markets, is pointing fingers at the actual health care providers serving patients, it is pocketing record profits.
New Surveys Find Majority of Patients, Doctors & Nurses Say Health Insurer Policies Reduce Access to Care
The American Hospital Association (AHA) today released findings of three new surveys conducted by Morning Consult that examined how some commercial insurer practices impact the patient and provider health care experience.
AHA Statement on Proposed Rule on Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance
The AHA is pleased with the Administration’s proposal to protect consumers from skinny “health plans” that often fail them.
AHA Statement on CMS Proposed Rule on Prior Authorization
The AHA commends CMS for taking important steps to remove inappropriate barriers to patient care by streamlining the prior authorization process for some health insurance plans. Hospitals and health systems especially appreciate that CMS included Medicare Advantage plans in these requirements, as the AHA has urged.