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39 Results Found
2025 Environmental Scan
The 2024 AHA Environmental Scan details data and trends that have implications for the health care field for the coming year and beyond. The Scan will help your staff, leadership and board strategize and plan for the future.
Stem the Tide: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic & Taking Action
This toolkit, released by the AHA, provides guidance and information to hospitals and health systems on how they can partner with patients, clinicians and communities to address the opioid epidemic. Developed with input from a multidisciplinary team of front-line clinicians and subject matter experts, the toolkit includes links to guidelines, training, webinars, reports and other resources.
AHA Health Care Workforce Scan — Presentations (Members Only)
Workforce Scan Presentations and archives that will help you better understand the latest forces and trends affecting health care human resources.
AHA Health Care Workforce Scan
The AHA Health Care Workforce Scan offers trends, expert insights and bold new approaches to guide your workforce strategies and initiatives.
Costs of Caring
While recent data suggest that some hospital and health system finances have experienced modest stabilization from historic lows in 2022, the hospital field is still far from where it needs to be to meet the demand for care, invest in new and promising technologies and interventions, and stand ready for the next health care crisis.
Skyrocketing Hospital Administrative Costs, Burdensome Commercial Insurer Policies Impacting Patient Care
Between 2022 and 2023, care denials increased an average of 20.2% and 55.7% for commercial and Medicare Advantage (MA) claims, respectively.
2023 Costs of Caring
Hospitals appreciate the support and resources that Congress have provided throughout the COVID-19 pandemic; however, additional support is needed to keep hospitals strong so they can continue to provide care to patients and communities.
Strengthening the Health Care Workforce: Strategies for Now, Near and Far Report
As we chart a new path together, we have developed this new resource – under the guidance of the AHA Board of Trustees’ Task Force on Workforce and with input from many members of the Association – to help hospitals navigate workforce challenges and opportunities, as well as highlight strategies and resources to assist on these pivotal efforts.
An Interdisciplinary Team Develops a Standardized Bystander Training: University of Kansas
The University of Kansas Health System designs and implements bystander training for their workforce to combat behavioral health stigma.
Implementing Stress First Aid Training in a Large System: MedStar
MedStar health overcomes challenges and works to implement widespread Stress First Aid training throughout their system