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Fact Sheet: Enhanced Premium Tax Credits

In support of the health of our patients and communities, as well as the stability of the entire health care system, the AHA urges Congress to extend the enhanced premium tax credits.

Fact Sheet: Expiration of the Enhanced Premium Tax Credits

Congress expanded eligibility for enhanced premium tax credits (EPTCs or tax credits) to help certain individuals and families purchase insurance on the health insurance marketplaces.

Fact Sheet: 340B Drug Pricing Program Contract Pharmacy Arrangements

Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act requires pharmaceutical manufacturers participating in Medicaid to sell outpatient drugs at discounted prices to health care organizations that care for patients in vulnerable communities. 

Fact Sheet: Medicaid

AHA urges Congress to reject reductions to the Medicaid program that would not only strip access to health care from some of the most vulnerable populations but also destabilize hospitals and health systems, leading to a loss of services that would impact patients and communities nationwide.

Fact Sheet: Medicaid Hospital Payment Basics

AHA urges Congress to reject reductions to hospitals’ Medicaid payments.

Fact Sheet: Medicaid Provider Taxes

The AHA calls on Congress to reject changes to states’ use of provider taxes, which help fund their Medicaid programs.

Fact Sheet: Per Capita Caps in the Medicaid Program

A per capita cap to federal financing of the Medicaid program would be a fundamental change to how the program is financed. It would put untenable fiscal pressures on state governments, leading to Medicaid coverage, enrollment and provider reimbursement cuts.

Fact Sheet: Improving Access to Care for Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries

Congressional action is needed to ensure greater oversight of MA plans as these rules are implemented and to enable CMS to enforce existing regulations designed to protect beneficiary access to medically necessary services.

Fact Sheet: Medicaid DSH Program

The Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program provides essential financial assistance to hospitals that care for our nation’s most vulnerable populations, including children and those who are disabled and elderly. These hospitals also provide critical community services, such as trauma and burn care, maternal and child health, high-risk neonatal care and disaster preparedness resources.

Fact Sheet: Hospital Outpatient Department Billing Requirements

Congress is considering legislation that would change current billing practices for Medicare and the commercial insurance market to require each off-campus hospital outpatient department (HOPD) to be assigned a unique NPI as a condition of payment.