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34 Results Found


Caring for Patients with OUD in the General Hospital

This webinar is presented by:

The Addiction Crisis: A Community's Response

The speakers will share how a Northern Shenandoah Valley community coalesced to develop strategies to effectively respond to the challenge of heroin and opiate abuse in a rural Virginia community.

The Shame Competent Organization

Dr. Will Bynum presents an overview of the psychology of shame and will then outline their novel Shame Competence Framework, which addresses the competencies and skills needed to adopt shame competent approaches to patient care, teaching, and teamwork. Viewers will walk away with a set of specific skills and considerations to begin adopting shame competent approaches to their work. (Webinar presented November 8, 2023)

Beyond the Bucket Brigade: Strategies for Behavioral Health Management Across the Continuum of Care

With nowhere else to go, individuals in need of behavioral health care are increasingly turning to hospitals for help. The surge in demand has overwhelmed resources at even the best staffed hospitals. A well-designed behavioral health strategy should consider the full continuum of care, including upstream and downstream solutions for inpatient units and outpatient settings to improve access to timely psychiatric care and reduce preventable ED utilization. (Webinar presented September 20, 2023)

Supportive Teams for Managing Mental Health and Suicide Prevention at Work

This webinar shares data surrounding the mental health crisis among caregivers, including statistics on suicide. Dr. Sanne Henninger sheds light on the signs and symptoms evidenced by staff in need of mental health support as well as shares strategies for equipping both leaders and fellow staff in recognizing and responding effectively to a struggling teammate. (Webinar presented September 13, 2023)

Catholic Medical Center's Aggressive Response to the Opioid Epidemic, Manchester, N.H.

In New Hampshire, hospitals have been inundated with patients suffering from addiction, so Catholic Medical Center (CMC), Manchester, New Hampshire, working with the community, designed and implemented effective initiatives to address opiate addiction.

Using Technology to Reduce Suicides & Sitter Costs: Lessons from SSMs St. Anthony Hospital

In this discussion, Larry Phillips, D.C.S.W., Program Manager and Norah Erb R.N. Director of Nursing Practice SSM, St. Anthony Hospital, Oklahoma City, will describe an innovative approach to integrating physical and behavioral care, via a monitored care unit.

Webinar: St. Vincent’s, Jacksonville, the ROI of Mental Health First Aid

Learn how five local hospital systems created a course to train people to perform "adult mental health first aid," giving members of the public skills to help someone who is developing or experiencing a mental health crisis

A Behavioral Intervention Team for Internal Medicine: Yale-New Haven Hospitals Proactive, Multi-disciplinary Psychiatric Consultation Service

Merlyn LaPaix, MSN, MBA, LNC, Director, Psychiatric Nursing, Stephen Merz, FACHE, Vice President & Executive Director, Behavioral Health, Yale-New Haven Psychiatric Hospital; and William Sledge, M.D., George D and Esther S Gross Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, describe BIT: a proactive, multi-disciplinary psychiatric consultation service for internal medicine inpatients at Yale-New Haven Hospital.