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Fact Sheet: 340B Drug Pricing Program Contract Pharmacy Arrangements

Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act requires pharmaceutical manufacturers participating in Medicaid to sell outpatient drugs at discounted prices to health care organizations that care for patients in vulnerable communities. 

High & Rising Drug Prices: Myth vs. Fact

Get the facts on 8 common misconceptions about the rising costs of prescription drugs.

Fact Sheet: Advocacy Priorities for Fall 2022

America’s hospitals and health systems continue to deal with the difficult challenges of high inflation and ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, hospitals are facing significant increases in costs of labor from workforce shortages, drugs, equipment and supplies (including food and energy costs) that are threatening their stability and ability to provide access to high quality health care services. The AHA has developed resources that hospital leaders can use to advocate on these important issues.

Fact Sheet: AHA Priorities for Budget Reconciliation Package to Support America’s Hospitals and Health Systems

It is imperative that Congress invest in America’s hospitals and health systems to ensure that the nation’s health care needs can be met today and into the future. The AHA supports investments in infrastructure, such as the health care workforce, behavioral health, the accessibility and affordability of health care coverage, emergency preparedness and the health care supply chain, telehealth and cybersecurity, among other areas.

High & Rising Drug Prices: Myth vs. Fact Factsheet

Fact: Drug spending is significant and growing each year.