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4 Results Found
The Impact of the New Prior Authorization Rule
In this conversation, Andrea Preisler, Jennifer Cameron, and David Jacobson, M.D., discuss what the new prior authorization rule means for making sure clinicians can do what they do best: taking care of their patients.
How One Hospital Is Navigating Rising Inflation and Workforce Pressures
In this podcast, the AHA's Bharath Krishnamurthy, director of Health Analytics and Policy, explores what the imbalance between the skyrocketing cost of drugs, supplies and labor and the continued underpayments from government payers means for patient care with Dr. Anthony Coleman, President and Chief executive officer of Broadlawns Medical Center in Iowa.
Partnering with Area Agencies on Aging: Tactics for Success
As the US population continues to age, leaders at hospitals and health systems are increasingly partnering with community-based organizations to address the social and non-medical health needs of older individuals, including nutrition and transportation assistance, social connection, and caregiver support.
Leadership Rounds with Alvin Hoover
Dr. Hochman was joined in March by Alvin Hoover, CEO of King’s Daughters Medical Center in Brookhaven, Miss., who is serving on the front lines of rural health care.