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736 Results Found

The Many Applications of Healthcare Analytics: Market Planning, Social Good, and Donor Acquisition

Presentation Resource
Featuring a case study of Cook Children's Health Care System, this session will explore how analytics can enhance multiple business initiatives from market planning to donor acquisition to achieving social goals.

Leading the Health Care EVS Field Forward

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Hospital Stories

Explore stories of hospitals going above and beyond to care for their patients and communities throughout America. Search by location using state, category, or hospital name in the interactive map, or sort stories by category using the filter.

Nursing Leadership Insight Longitudinal Study

The American Organization for Nursing Leadership partnered with Joslin Marketing to conduct a longitudinal study on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing leadership in key areas over time.
State Association

State Participation in AHA

AHA values the many individuals throughout the country who participate on Association policy development and governance committees, and other member groups. The table below provides information on the individuals from each state currently participating in AHA.

MaineHealth learning collaborative closes gaps in care for people experiencing homelessness

The MaineHealth–Preble Street Learning Collaborative (PSLC) was founded by MaineHealth Maine Medical Center, Preble Street — a nonprofit social service agency — and other community partners to provide outreach, engagement and safe, person-centered care to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Radical Decision Making for Hospital and System Boards

Trustee Articles
The seismic forces currently roiling health care present boards with a new set of profoundly consequential strategic options. These often involve significant risk, major mission shifts, and challengingly short windows of opportunity.

FAQ | Next Generation Leaders Fellowship | Center

Answers to frequenly asked questions for the AHA Next Generation Leaders Fellowship are provided along with The John A. Hartford Foundation Age-Friendly Health Systems Cohort Scholarship.

Call for Volunteers: 2025 Opportunities

Whether developing new educational programs, providing expert input or serving on a task force, volunteering with SHSMD offers the opportunity to use your leadership skills and talents while gaining new insights from other experts in the field.