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Voice of the President | July 2022

During this busy and exciting time of year, we welcome a significant number of new graduates into our profession. Many of us are trying to identify ways to harness their enthusiasm and energy, which is palpable during these first few months. Today, more than ever, leaders are focusing on implementing strategies to assist and support the new graduate nurses’ transition into practice and incorporate them in their team’s culture.

Voice of the President | May 2022

Creating healthy work environments is a passion that unites nurses across generations, practice settings and all levels of leadership. It has been an area of focus and woven throughout every stage of my career, even as a bedside nurse. It’s refreshing to hear the conversations, initiatives and research on healthy and inclusive environments evolving over time.

Voice of the President | September 2022

This edition of Voice is dedicated to professional development, covering a wide range of career stages, from advice for first-time managers to preparing for the C-suite.

Voice of the President | September 2021

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us many valuable lessons. One that I believe will be integral to the growth and sustainability of the entire health care workforce is just how deeply mental and physical health are impacted by the work that we do every day and how important it is to cultivate workplaces that foster well-being.

Voice of the President | March 2022

As I write you today, many of us are feeling the impact of another COVID-19 surge related to the omicron variant. The articles are all centered on nursing in the community.

Voice of the President | January 2022

Happy New Year! I’m honored and excited to be serving as the AONL president for the next two years.

Voice of the President | November 2021

Two years ago when I began my term as AONL President, in my first column for the Voice of Nursing Leadership

Voice of the President | September 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in so many different ways. The lingering uncertainty, the toll on our well-being, and the way that we deliver health care is forever changed. As resourceful as nurse leaders are, we are not immune to the challenges posed by the pandemic. Our ability to innovate, mobilize, advise our communities and advocate for our staff has been remarkable. Since March, I have been privileged to witness firsthand the incredible collaboration and leadership of nurses across the country in response to this ongoing threat to our nation’s health.

Voice of the President | May 2020

The impact of successful interprofessional teams is being felt across our country as we plan and manage care during the rapidly changing dynamic seen with COVID-19. As nurse leaders, we work collaboratively each day within diverse teams.

Voice of the President | January 2020

AONL President Column
Happy New Year! I am both honored and excited to be serving as your 2020 AONL board president.