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27 Results Found
Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition
Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition
Improvement in Safety Culture Linked to Better Patient and Staff Outcomes
Report shows hospitals outperform pre-pandemic levels, boosting patient safety, care experience and workforce resilience.
Hospital Capacity Command Centers: A Benchmarking Survey on an Emerging Mechanism to Manage Patient Flow
Hospitals use CCCs to manage patient flow, improve safety, quality, finances. Survey shows positive ROI. Explore more.
Trendwatch Chartbook
TrendWatch Chartbook analyzes the latest in hospital and health system trends. It is produced by the AHA. Charts will be updated annually as new data become available. The last update was August 30, 2022.
Data and Analytics | Strengthening the Health Care Workforce
Data is not the first thing one thinks of when addressing workforce issues, but data can identify trends, measure engagement and inform decisions about where resources are needed, how your organization compares to others, and determine if you are making progress. As you engage with your internal data, it also is important to understand overall economic trends in your local community, region and nationally that could impact your workforce.
Section 2 - Data and Technology | Strengthening the Health Care Workforce
Section two of the guide focuses on data and analytics, as well as technological supports.
MDIC Case for Quality Program - Product Quality Outcomes Analytics Working Group Report
Core Competencies for Health Care Environmental Services Professionals Report
Competencies for job descriptions and assessing performance of environmental services professionals, technicians, supervisors, managers and directors.