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2025 Environmental Scan
The 2024 AHA Environmental Scan details data and trends that have implications for the health care field for the coming year and beyond. The Scan will help your staff, leadership and board strategize and plan for the future.
Societal Factors That Influence Health
AHA presents a framework to support hospitals and health systems and actions they can take at each level (structural, community, personal) to improve health equity. Numerous studies have demonstrated a link between the social drivers of health and key health outcomes. AHA has worked to promote widespread use of ICD-10-CM codes that enable provider to collect data on the social drivers of health
AHA Value Initiative Members in Action: Meadville Medical Center – Meadville, PA
MMC views care coordination as an important aspect of fulfilling its mission as an independent community health
AHA Value Initiative Members in Action Case Study: Illinois Rural Community Care Organization – Princeton, IL
Illinois Rural Community Care Organization builds the structure necessary for rural providers to be successful ACOs.
AHA Value Initiative Members in Action: Russell Regional Hospital – Russell, KS
Russell (KS) Regional Hospital (RRH), a critical access hospital, was already a leader in hospital energy performance when it embarked on a journey to make additional improvements. RRH’s goal was to make strategic energy related investments that would reduce operating expenses while increasing system reliability. Now they have an ENERGY STAR® 100 rating.
AHA Value Initiative Members in Action: Rush University Medical Center – Chicago, IL
Several years ago, Rush’s leaders—like many hospital administrators across the country—began preparing for the shift to value-based care. As part of those efforts, the Medical Center’s colorectal surgery team implemented the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) program in 2014.
AHA Value Initiative Members in Action: University of Mississippi Medical Center – Jackson
To reach the many rural and underserved communities in Mississippi, the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) created its Center for Telehealth in 2003. Initially, the Center only provided specialized care and other public health services.
AHA Value Initiative Members in Action: Illinois Rural Community Care Organization – Princeton, IL
The Illinois Rural Community Care Organization (IRCCO) was approved in 2015 as a Medicare shared savings accountable care organization (ACO) Track 1. IRCCO was one of 41 ACO Investment Models (AIM) funded by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation in 2016.
The Value Initiative Members in Action: Children’s Wisconsin – Milwaukee, WI
By expanding communication with patients and families throughout the continuum of care, Children’s Wisconsin sees a higher engagement of family caregivers in their children’s health, leading to fewer visits to the ED and a decrease in avoidable readmissions.
AHA Value Initiative Members in Action: University of Mississippi Medical Center – Jackson, MS
University of Mississippi Medical Center initiated a Diabetes Telehealth Network pilot program to treat patients in the Mississippi Delta region, one of the most impoverished areas in the country.