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44 Results Found
HHS rescinds long-standing Richardson Waiver policy on public participation
The Department of Health and Human Services Feb. 28 announced that it is rescinding its Nixon-era policy on inviting public participation when making rules and regulations related to public property, loans, grants, benefits or contracts.
FDA finalizes recommendations simplifying approval process for medical devices that use AI
The Food and Drug Administration yesterday released recommendations for streamlining the approval process
Chair File: Advancing Collaborative Efforts That Improve Community Health
Hospitals and health systems build effective community partnerships by aligning with and addressing community health priorities and authentically engaging local leaders and residents to collaborate in this work.
Hospitals are Community Cornerstones and Advance Health in Many Ways
Nonprofit hospitals have special obligations to their communities in exchange for being tax-exempt.
Report: Nonprofit hospitals' value to communities 10 times their federal tax exemption
An EY report prepared for the AHA shows that tax-exempt hospitals and health systems delivered $10 in benefits to their communities for every dollar’s worth of federal tax exemption in 2020, the most recent year for which comprehensive data is available. It represents an increase from $9 in benefits from the prior year despite efforts in battling the COVID-19 pandemic.
HHS will not appeal AHA court victory in online tracking case
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will not appeal its loss in American Hospital Association v. Becerra. The AHA, joined by the Texas Hospital Association, Texas Health Resources, and United Regional Health Care System, last November sued HHS to bar enforcement of a new rule adopted in guidance by the Office for Civil Rights titled “Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates,” which prevented hospitals and health systems from using standard third-party web technologies that capture IP addresses on key portions of their public-facing webpages.
Op-ed: Nonprofit hospitals need positive margins
An op-ed published July 9 in Modern Healthcare written by AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack and Catholic Health Association President and CEO Sr. Mary Haddad discusses why nonprofit hospitals need positive margins.
An Irresponsible Take on Nonprofit Hospitals’ Value to Patients and Communities
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget is supposedly committed to being “an authoritative voice for fiscal responsibility.” That’s why it’s so disappointing that they would propose something so irresponsible in a new report — repealing nonprofit hospitals’ tax exemption. In reality, eliminating that exemption could result in more burden being placed on taxpayers to cover the cost of all the benefits and services these hospitals provide to their patients and communities. Worse than that, eliminating the longstanding exemption would cause hospitals across the country to close their doors, which would be the epitome of fiscal recklessness.
Judge rules in favor of AHA vacating HHS online tracking ‘bulletin’ as unlawful and beyond agency authority
A United States District Court Judge in Texas today ruled in favor of the AHA, Texas Hospital Association, and hospital plaintiffs, agreeing that Department of Health and Human Services “bulletins” that restrict health care providers from using standard third-party web technologies that capture IP addresses on portions of their public-facing webpages were unlawful final rules and vacating the March 2024 Revised Bulletin.
Article Misleads on Hospitals’ Charity Care Spending
Learn why it's reckless and wrong to allege that hospitals are deliberately squeezing their charity care spending to maintain financial viability.