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3 Results Found

AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference Offers Actionable Strategies, Thoughtful Insights and Tested Strategies to Advance Rural Health

In a new location for 2024, the 37th Annual AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, will be held Feb. 11-14 in Orlando, Fla. The conference brings together senior executives, physician leaders, trustees and nurse executives from the nation's leading rural hospitals and health systems to share powerful insights and strategies to transform rural health care delivery and business practices.

A Path to Equity for Rural Health

Right before the COVID-19 outbreak occurred, AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) convened more than 65 leaders, trustees and clinicians from rural hospitals across the country at AHA’s annual Rural Conference. We inquired about strategies for health equity in rural communities, as well as these communities’ most common areas of disparity or need.

Rural Health Equity Matters

Rural Health Equity Matters How one Kansas hospital is addressing its sustainability challenges and advancing health equity By Duane Reynolds Earlier this summer, I ha