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3 Results Found
AHA Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Urging Correction of HHS Undercounting of SSI-eligible Recipients in DSH Formula
The AHA, joined by five other national hospital associations, filed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to correct the Department of Health and Human Services’ misinterpretation of the formula set by Congress to calculate Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments, which includes a Medicare fraction that counts supplemental security income-eligible Medicare beneficiaries in the numerator and the total Medicare-eligible population in the denominator.
Amicus Brief: AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Supporting Reviewability of Certain CMS Determinations
Amicus Brief, AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Challenging Reviewability of Certain CMS Determinations
Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Modify This Court’s Mandamus Order Re Medicare Appeals
AHA urges the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to deny the Department of Health and Human Services’ request to modify a court order requiring it to completely eliminate the remaining 19,802 Medicare appeals backlogged at the Administration Law Judge level. HHS now contends that it cannot fully comply with the order, stating that “it is unlikely that the backlog could be reduced completely to zero by the end of the fiscal year.”