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CY 2025 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule Webinar
In this webinar, AHA staff discussed the recently released CY
MEDICARE ADVANTAGE (MA): Hospital Perspectives and Next Steps on the CY24 MA Final Rule
On November 15th, The American Hospital Association and a panel of experts from member hospitals and health systems discussed recent changes to the Medicare Advantage program that were finaliz
Unwinding the Public Health Emergency Implications for Medicaid and CHIP and Mitigating Coverage Loss
The AHA has partnered with Manatt Health to develop a toolkit for hospitals and health systems to use as they work with the
Webinar: CMS Proposed Rules on Medicare Advantage and Prior Authorization January 23, 2023
Webinar CMS Proposed Rules on Medicare Advantage and Prior Authorization
Webinar: AHA Advocacy Alliance for Rural Hospitals Federal Update – May 1 - Member Only
A panel of 4 experts discussed federal policy emerging from Congress and the Administration under COVID-19 focusing on rural health priorities and took questions from the audience. They reviewed emergency funding, Medicare and Medicaid payment improvements, telehealth, regulatory relief, 340B drug pricing, access to PPE and steps toward recovery.