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Fact Sheet: Facility Fees

Facility fees are the portion of a health care treatment bill that covers all the costs of delivering patient care, except for those that are billed by physicians and other professionals.

Fact Sheet: Rural Hospital Support Act (S. 335) and the Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals Act

Medicare pays most acute-care hospitals under the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS). Some of these hospitals receive additional support from Medicare to help address potential financial challenges associated with being rural, geographically isolated and low volume.These programs are Medicare- dependent Hospitals (MDHs), Low-volume Adjustment (LVA) and Sole Community Hospitals (SCHs).

Fact Sheet: Improving Access to Care for Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries

Congressional action is needed to ensure greater oversight of MA plans as these rules are implemented and to enable CMS to enforce existing regulations designed to protect beneficiary access to medically necessary services.

Fact Sheet: Medicare Hospital Outpatient Site-Neutral Payment Policies

The AHA strongly opposes site-neutral payment cuts, which would reduce access to critical health care services, especially in rural and other underserved communities.

Fact Sheet: Hospital Outpatient Department Billing Requirements

Congress is considering legislation that would change current billing practices for Medicare and the commercial insurance market to require each off-campus hospital outpatient department (HOPD) to be assigned a unique NPI as a condition of payment.

Fact Sheet: Medicare Sequester Relief Extension Needed for Health Providers

AHA highlights the need to suspend Medicare sequester cuts for healthcare providers in this fact sheet on Medicare sequestration relief extension.

Fact Sheet: Majority of Hospital Payments Dependent on Medicare or Medicaid

It is broadly acknowledged that Medicare reimburses hospitals less than the cost of providing care and their reimbursement rates are non-negotiable.

Select Financial, Operating and Patient Characteristics of POHs Compared to Non-POHs Fact Sheet

Dobson | DaVanzo recently examined select operating, financial and patient characteristics of hospitals in categories defined by hospital ownership.1 This fact sheet provides descriptive statistics for physician owned hospitals (POHs) compared to non-physician owned hospitals.

Setting the Record Straight: Correcting 6 Misleading Conclusions from MedPAC’s 2023 Report

On March 15, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) released its annual report on the commission’s recommendations for Fiscal Year 2024 Medicare payment updates.

Fact Sheet: Statutory PAYGO Sequester Relief Needed for Health Providers

The Issue The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have resulted in historic challenges for hospitals and health systems an