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38 Results Found


Chair File: Rural Health — Caring for Our Neighbors

Leading a rural hospital can feel like you are battling alone, but together with a unified voice we can advocate for what our rural patients need.

AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference Offers Actionable Strategies, Thoughtful Insights and Tested Strategies to Advance Rural Health

In a new location for 2024, the 37th Annual AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, will be held Feb. 11-14 in Orlando, Fla. The conference brings together senior executives, physician leaders, trustees and nurse executives from the nation's leading rural hospitals and health systems to share powerful insights and strategies to transform rural health care delivery and business practices.

Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Strengthening Rural Health Care with Jennifer Havens

On this episode, I talk with Jennifer Havens, CEO of UnityPoint Health – Grinnell Regional Medical Center, a 49-bed hospital serving several counties in Iowa.

Chair File: Celebrating the ‘Power of Rural’ and Keeping Rural Hospitals Strong

Every November, we celebrate National Rural Health Day to raise awareness of the challenges facing rural hospitals and health systems and help highlight the innovative work they are doing to preserve access to high-quality, affordable care.

AHA Committee Chairs Come Together for Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Services in Rural Communities

Sean Fadale, FACHE President and CEO, Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home Gloversville, N.Y. 

Speaking Up for Priorities That Will Help Hospitals Advance Health for Patients and Communities

It is important to use the August recess that begins next week as an opportunity to engage senators and representatives while they are back home. It is critical for federal lawmakers to understand the challenges hospitals and health systems face.

Anti-hospital Group Misleads on Site-neutral Impact on Rural Access to Care

Once again, the anti-hospital, billionaire-backed Arnold Ventures is pushing its anti-hospital agenda with a “report” that is so disingenuous and has so many limitations that it cannot be t

Strengthening Crisis Management in Rural Health Care

Building workforce resilience is a worthwhile investment in crisis management. Discover strategies to support frontline workers, build capacity, and prepare for future public health emergencies in rural communities.

Chair File: Advancing Health and Quality Care in Rural Communities

For the 61 million people who live in rural America, their local hospital provides essential services and programs to advance their health and the health of their communities.

Protecting Access to Patient Care in Rural Communities Across America

For the 57 million Americans who live in rural areas, their hospital is the lifeblood of the community.