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AHA Comments on the Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals Act (H.R. 1805)
AHA voices support for the Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals (ARCH) Act (H.R. 1805).
AHA Comments to MedPAC on Rural Medicare Beneficiary Cost-sharing
February 28, 2025Michael Chernew, Ph.D.ChairmanMedicare Payment Advisory Commission425 I Street, NW, Suite 701Washington, D.C. 20001Dear Dr. Chernew:
Fact Sheet: Expiration of the Enhanced Premium Tax Credits
Congress expanded eligibility for enhanced premium tax credits (EPTCs or tax credits) to help certain individuals and families purchase insurance on the health insurance marketplaces.
Advocacy Issue: Rural MDH and LVA Programs
Rural hospitals receive additional support from Medicare to help address potential financial challenges associated with being rural, geographically isolated and low volume. These programs are Medicare-dependent Hospitals (MDHs), Low-volume Adjustment (LVA) and Sole Community Hospitals (SCHs).
Rural Health Services
Over 57 million rural Americans depend on their hospital as an important source of care as well as a critical component of their area's economic and social fabric. Location, size, workforce, payment and access to capital challenge small or rural hospitals and the communities they serve. Collaborating with state and regional hospital associations and with advice from its member council, the Section tracks the issues, develops policies and identifies solutions to our most pressing problems.
Contact Your Lawmakers and Urge Them to Extend Key Health Care Policies Set to Expire Next Month
Please ask your senators and representatives to prevent Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payment cuts from taking effect; extend enhanced low-volume adjustment and Medicare-dependent hospital programs that expand access to care in rural areas; and extend telehealth and hospital-at-home waivers.
Rural Hospital Advocacy Alliance
Building on the AHA's extensive work on behalf of small and rural hospitals, this alliance focuses on extending key Medicare provisions that would otherwise sunset, including the low-volume hospital payment adjustment, the Medicare-Dependent Hospital Program, Section 508 reclassifications and the outpatient hold harmless. In addition, the alliance will continue to work to protect Critical Access Hospitals and other rural hospital designations.
Fact Sheet: Rural Hospital Support Act (S. 335) and the Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals Act
Medicare pays most acute-care hospitals under the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS). Some of these hospitals receive additional support from Medicare to help address potential financial challenges associated with being rural, geographically isolated and low volume.These programs are Medicare- dependent Hospitals (MDHs), Low-volume Adjustment (LVA) and Sole Community Hospitals (SCHs).