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66 Results Found
Critical Condition: Cybersecurity in Rural Hospitals with Microsoft Part 2
A cyberattack on a rural hospital or health system can have devastating impacts, leaving in its wake patient harm and financial distress.
Critical Condition: Cybersecurity in Rural Hospitals with Microsoft Part 1
In part one of this conversation, John Riggi, national advisor for cybersecurity and risk at the American Hospital Association, and Justin Spelhaug, corporate vice president and global head of Tech for Social Impact at Microsoft Philanthropies, discuss the unique vulnerabilities rural hospitals face, the latest cyberthreats, and actionable strategies to strengthen defenses.
Community Cornerstones Conversations with Rural Hospitals in America
Rural hospital advocates, CEOs and other leaders share their planning, implementation and innovations in this shifting environment.
Addressing Food Insecurity in Rural Tennessee
When a community health needs assessment was conducted in Hardeman County, Tennessee, it confirmed that not only was obesity a serious health threat for adults and children, but accessing food at all was a problem for many county residents.
Recruiting the Next Generation of Behavioral Health Professionals
The shortage of behavioral health care professionals is a serious public health issue, particularly in rural areas.
Improving Maternity Care for Indigenous Populations
In this conversation, Tina Pattara-Lau, M.D., maternal and child health consultant with the Indian Health Service Office of Clinical and Preventive Services, and Johnna Nynas, M.D. obstetrics and gynecology specialist at Sanford Bemidji Medical Center, explore common disparities and systemic barriers Indigenous people experience in pregnancy and postpartum.
The Future of Rural Hospitals and Health Systems
An estimated 61 million rural Americans depend on their hospital as an important source of care and critical pillar of their community.
Retaining A Rural Nursing Workforce: It Takes A Village
Attracting and retaining nurses presents a major workforce challenge, particularly in rural health care settings. At the University of Vermont Health Network, leaders realized that the ongoing nursing shortage crisis required creative solutions, including investment in the well-being of the nursing staff.
Strengthening Risk Communications in Rural Health Care Emergency Management
Communicating information is critical during emergencies and disasters.
How Community Investment Saved a Rural Health System
Serving a small rural community in upper Michigan, Mackinac Straits Health System was once in dire financial straits, operating on only a few days of cash reserves.