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Getting Ready for Post-Quantum Cryptography

William Barker Dakota Consulting Gaithersburg, MD William Polk Applied Cybersecurity Division Information Technology Laboratory

Theft of Intellectual Property: Threats to Medical Research and Innovation

In this members-only white paper by the AHA Center for Health Innovation, John Riggi, senior adviser for cybersecurity and risk at the AHA, and Edward You, supervisory special agent for weapons of mass destruction at the FBI, outline growing concern among the FBI, Congress and some health care leaders about the theft of U.S. medical research intellectual property by foreign governments. Recently the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on foreign threats to taxpayer-funded research.

FBI Alert: TPL White: Increased Number of Emotet Command and Control IP Addresses Identified

In early June 2019, Emotet, an advanced modular banking Trojan, attempted to communicate with 214 command and control (C2) IP addresses for initial instructions, indicating cyber actors recently made modifications or updates to Emotet malware or infrastructure. Immediately following, the Emotet malware ceased communication with the previously known C2 IP addresses.

DejaBlue-High Risk Windows Vulnerability Whitepaper

As a follow-up to our June 6, 2019 white paper on BlueKeep, this report documents a recent alert from Microsoft concerning two similar remote desktop protocol (RDP) vulnerabilities, entitled BlueKeep 2 and BlueKeep 3, together dubbed “DejaBlue.”