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Health Equity Resources
To support hospitals and health systems starting from different points on their journey to strengthen health equity, the AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) is preparing four new guidance and resource toolkits to share evidence-based practices to inform organizational next steps. Look for additional IFDHE toolkits to be released throughout 2021.
Becoming a Culturally Competent Health Care Organization
This guide explores the concept of cultural competency, builds the case for the enhancement of cultural competency in health care, and provides quick answers. It answers the questions of what is cultural competence in healthcare and what is culturally competent care, and offers seven recommendations for improving cultural competency in health care organizations.
Case Study: Advancing Transcultural Care through Cultural Competency
St. Charles Madras is a critical access hospital with 25 licensed beds and 240 employees located in Jefferson County, Oregon.
Health Equity Resource Series: Training and the Culture of Learning
This toolkit focuses on training and education strategies and approaches to encourage cultural humility and overcome implicit bias.