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6 Results Found
Sprinkler System Valve Manual Template
Compliance Tools
A sprinkler system can be complex with many different zones and valves. Some of those valves may be easily to locate. Others may be in more obscure locations.
EPSS Weekly Inspection Checklist
Compliance Tools
The emergency power supply system (EPSS) is a critical hospital system, and its failure to function in a power outage can have tragic results.
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) Tool
Use this HVA tool to assist your multidisciplinary group in assessing and prioritizing exercises for potential hazards/risk.
Facility Evacuation Decision Guidance
The pre-disaster self-assessment consists of an assessment of critical infrastructure and an estimate of evacuation time.
Adverse Weather Checklist
Help prepare your facility for adverse weather-related events through this article and adverse weather checklist available to ASHE members.
Community hazard vulnerability analysis tool
Compliance Tools
Developed by a group of experts, this Excel file can be used by health care organizations to assess their vulnerabilities and help manage their emergency preparedness programs.