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37 Results Found

The Intentional Design and Promotion of a Culture of Recognition

HR Pulse Article
A recent study by the Deloitte Center for health solutions examines whether healthcare institutions are ready for the workforce transformation needed to address trends such as generational changes, emerging technology, flexible labor markets and the growth of health care consumerism. Most health care executives understand the magnitude of these shifts, yet many organizations are struggling with the day-to-day reality of the labor shortage for qualified health care workers. According to recent reports, the U.S. will need to produce over a million new registered nurses by 2022 to fulfill the country's health care needs.

The Health Care Disruptors: How They Will — and Won’t — Change HR

HR Pulse Article
Here are three questions to keep you up at night (just in case your thoughts aren’t already racing a million miles an hour with all you already have on your plate): Will companies like Amazon, Google, Apple and Walmart compete with or augment hospitals? If the health care business is so bad, why do so many powerful companies want to get into it? How will dramatically higher life expectancies impact the health care HR profession?

A Whole-Person Approach to a Healthy Workforce

HR Pulse Article
Behavioral health challenges touch everyone around us. Nearly one in five Americans is effected by a behavioral health disorder, and this often impacts not only that individual, but their family, friends and work colleagues.

Mental Health: Focused on Diversity and Inclusion

[HR Pulse Article] By Charlotte Hughes Over the last decade, the topic of mental health in the workplace has gained increasing awareness. And employers have paid attention for good reason: Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience some form of mental illness each year. Depression continues to be the leading cause of disability worldwide, and anxiety disorders — including generalized anxiety, panic, obsessive-compulsive and post-traumatic stress disorders — have been recognized as the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults annually.

Environmental Services: Applying Core Competencies During the Pandemic and Beyond

[HR Pulse Article] By Karen Thomas Since COVID-19 emerged in the United States in early 2020, preventing the spread of infection in health care settings has been a top priority for health care leaders. Amid concerns about the risk of transmitting the virus in hospitals and other care settings, there is at least one piece of good news: Although this coronavirus is new, the techniques for cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces are not. And environmental services (EVS) professionals were well equipped to take on the challenge of COVID-19.

National Labor Relations Board Update

[HR Pulse Article] By Harry Johnson III and Morgan Lewis This summary covers recent and selected NLRB developments relevant to employers, especially in the health care sector.

Human Resources in Health Care: 2020 and Beyond

HR Pulse Article
[HR Pulse Article] Human Resources in 2020 is not the HR of 20 or even 10 years ago. This article provides an overview of the challenges and issues that HR professionals in the health care field will face in 2020 and beyond. By Stephanie K. Rawitt, J.D.

Turn to Technology to Engage Millennial Nurses

HR Pulse Article
[HR PULSE ARTICLE]: By Sarah Forbes The U.S. health care system is feeling the strain of the national nursing shortage and spending billions of dollars to recruit and retain health care professionals in an attempt to fill it. Staffing shortages are projected to intensify as experienced nurses near retirement age and the population continues to grow. In response, medical providers are being challenged to be more creative in the strategies used to attract and retain health care workers to meet this growing gap in the workforce.

AI Is Coming to Health Care: Do You Know How Your Workforce Will be Impacted?

HR Pulse Article
[HR PULSE ARTICLE]: By Lindsey Dunn Burgstahler The growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care promises opportunities for improvement in areas including but not limited to diagnostic accuracy, treatment efficacy, patient outcomes and patient and clinician experience. AI will enable standardization of best practices while allowing for further personalization of treatment options and care pathways — supporting high-value care that improves the health of individuals and populations.

5 Actions to Promote Health Equity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

[HR Pulse Article] By the Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE), an affiliate of the American Hospital Association (AHA) IFDHE is committed to ensuring that all people, regardless of background or zip code, have equitable access to quality health care. As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, reports indicate that communities of color across the nation are experiencing higher rates of COVID-19 infections and deaths than other groups. For example, in Chicago, reports have indicated that African Americans account for 44% of all COVID-19 positive test results and 56% of recorded virus-related deaths. However, African Americans constitute only 32% of the city’s population.