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7 Results Found
AHA Asks Congressional Leadership to Fund Hospitals, Protect Health Care Workers
Before the lame-duck session ends and the 118th Congress adjourns, it is essential that federal lawmakers understand the challenges hospitals and health systems face and what is at stake for the patients and communities they represent.
ACTION NEEDED: Talk to Lawmakers this August on Important Issues Facing Hospitals and Health Systems
Lawmakers need to hear how congressional support is necessary to ensure hospitals can provide the 24/7 access to care patients and communities depend on.
ACTION NEEDED: Contact Lawmakers on Important Issues Facing Hospitals and Health Systems
While lawmakers are in their district, it is important for the field to engage with members of Congress to remind them of the importance of preserving access to care by continuing to fund vital programs like telehealth and hospital-at-home waivers, and avoiding harmful policies such as site-neutral payments and Medicaid DSH cuts.
ACTION NEEDED: Contact Lawmakers Now on Important Issues Facing Hospitals and Health Systems
Lawmakers have returned to Washington for three weeks to consider government funding, which expires Oct. 1. Congress must pass a continuing resolution (CR) by Sept. 30 to avoid a government shutdown.
Plan for August: Summer Advocacy Success Begins with a Site Visit
Now is the best time to begin scheduling a site visit to your hospital or health system with your lawmakers to show them firsthand the impact your team makes on the community.
Urge Congress to Protect Health Care Workers from Violence by Passing the SAVE Act
Enactment of the Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act (H.R. 2584/S. 2768) is a top priority for the AHA and the hospital field.
ACTION NEEDED: Urge Congress to Protect Health Care Workers from Violence by Supporting the SAVE Act
Senators and representatives are in their home states and districts until Sept. 9, so now is an excellent time to meet with them and build support for the Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act (H.R. 2584/S. 2768).