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33 Results Found

Ensuring the Health of Our Care Teams to Ensure the Health of Our Nation

There is no doubt that America’s aging population will necessitate changes to care models and require new care solutions.

Thanking America’s Veterans for Their Service to Our Country

It was first celebrated in 1919 as Armistice Day to commemorate the end of World War I. Armistice Day was recognized as a national holiday in 1938, and in 1954 the name was changed to what we know today: Veterans Day.

Speaking Up for Priorities That Will Help Hospitals Advance Health for Patients and Communities

It is important to use the August recess that begins next week as an opportunity to engage senators and representatives while they are back home. It is critical for federal lawmakers to understand the challenges hospitals and health systems face.

A Call to Action on AHA’s National Day of Awareness to End Violence

For nearly a decade, the AHA’s Hospitals Against Violence (HAV) initiative has shone a light on how hospitals and health systems are working to: heal victims of violence as well as their communities, prevent further acts of violence, and address violence in the workplace.

Protecting the Health Care Workers Who Care for Us

Violence in health care settings should never be accepted as “part of the job.”

Taking Action to Protect Caregivers from Violence

Despite the diligent efforts of hospitals, health systems and medical professionals to prevent violence, health care workers remain five times more likely than any other type of worker to be physically attacked on the job.

Plan and Act Now for Summer Advocacy Success

The AHA strongly urges hospital and health system leaders to take full advantage of one of the best windows of the year to communicate our field’s priorities and remind your elected officials of the crucial need for their support.

Hospitals are Symbols of Hope, Comfort and Care . . . For All People and Always

Hospitals and health systems — and the women and men who work there — are the heart of health care.

Honoring the Service Members and Caregivers Who Have Kept Our Nation Strong and Safe

Honoring the Service Members and Caregivers Who Have Kept Our Nation Strong and Safe | AHA News - Salute the fallen and remember their spirit and patriotism this Memorial Day weekend.

Preparing to Celebrate National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week: A Thank You to the Caregivers Who Make Our Lives Better

In just a few days, we’ll kick off important recognitions for National Hospital Week, May 12-18, and National Nurses Week, May 6-12.