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3 Results Found
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Talent Lifecycle
[WEBINAR] Learn how to avoid Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Strategy Derailment and explore solutions to get DE&I fully aligned with a health provider’s business objectives.
Teaching Ethnocultural Empathy to Reduce Health Disparities
ASHHRA What's New
[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Ethnocultural empathy is empathy towards racial and ethnic minorities, and is a requisite competency in eliminating racial/ethnic health disparities. This webinar will provide participants with a few key applications from the new, research-informed curriculum at the George Washington (GW) School of Medicine and Health Services. To create this new curriculum, GW faculty led a mixed-methods study to determine course format and content most suitable for teaching and assessing empathy among traditional and non-traditional learners working with racial and ethnic minorities in a range of health care settings.
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Diversifying Candidates in Your Health Care Organization
On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] Despite best efforts and intentions, health care organizations still have a lot of work to do to increase C-Suite diversity. We conducted a novel survey of successful, high achieving nurse executives of color. It reveals first hand insights on their experiences as emerging leaders, perceptions of barriers to career progression and opportunities they perceive to support their advancement. Findings from this study can support the development of innovative, sustainable models that bolster diversity nursing leadership inclusion. The presenters will detail specific strategies, guidance and organizational and personal resources that all health care leaders can employ to facilitate more diversity among leadership.